Friday, June 7, 2013

Final Exam Listening Practice

Click HERE to listen. Scroll down for answer

1. What is Boston’s spring weather? ________________________________________________
2. What are the low and high temperatures? __________________________________________
3. What are the favorite outside activities? (2) ________________________________________
4. What does he wear? (3)_________________________________________________________
5. What are some favorite foods during this season? (4)_________________________________
6. What are some favorite inside activities? (2) _____________________________________________
7. What is the weather like during summer? (5)________________________________________
8. What are some favorite summer activities? (3) ______________________________________
9. What are some favorite foods during this season? (3) _________________________________


1. Rather cold, sometimes snow, sometimes rain
2. high 47, low 15
3. Skiing and skating
4. Very loose but very comfy sweater, black pants, warm shoes
5. Hot chocolate, chicken sandwich, hamburger and fries
6. Listening to guitar music, play cards with family (I'm rather good at it)
7. Very cool and refreshing, not too hot and not too humid, does not often rain, but often overcast
8. (Stay in the water) swim and scuba dive, play football with little brother and dog Laxcy in house's yard. 
9. Ice tea, strawberry ice cream, apple pie

Friday, May 17, 2013

5/20 to 6/12 (Weeks 36, 37, 38, 39)

For the remainder of the school year, we will:

  • Practice phrases in "What do you think about your food" 
  • Learn to describe tastes and give opinions about food 
  • Food WFR 3
  • Review reading and listening about food 
-Review for Food listening and reading quiz on Wednesday 3/29 
-Bring food for 3 hours class on 3/29 for party after quiz 
-Final Exam speaking portion Monday 6/3 
-Chinese 2 Final Exam Wednesday 6/12 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Week 5/13 to 5/17 (Week 35)

This week we will:

  • Do typing practice on Monday in lab 318
  • Take Food Speaking Quiz on Monday 
  • Character sheet set 26
  • Finish translating passage on handout "你觉得你的食物怎么样"?
  • Food WFR 2
-Character sheet set 26 due Friday (For stroke order, see last website entry) 
-Food listening and reading Quiz on Wednesday 5/29 
-Final Exam Speaking Monday 6/3 in lab 

Character set 26 stroke order

Click HERE to download stroke order

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Week 5/6 to 5/10 (Week 34)

This week we will:

  • Watch movie on Staple Foods
  • Learn about opinions on food
  • Practice 1 minute story telling
  • Character sheet set 25
-Character sheet set 25 due Friday
-Speaking quiz on meals next Monday 5/13

Monday, April 29, 2013

Week 4/29 to 5/3 (Week 33)

This week we will:

  • Review food (listening and reading) 

-Character sheet set 24 due Wednesday 
-Study Food WFR 1 for flyswatter on Wednesday
-Food WFR 1 Quiz on Friday (There are many words on this list, so 今天你就该学习这个!)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sentence review questions (character sets 1-22)

Translate into 中文 using characters. Scroll down for answer:

1. During winter, I don’t like to sleep at home. I like to go online to chat or to text message my friend.
2. How long have you been reading the newspaper? I have been reading for 1 hour 15 minutes.
3. During spring, what do you like to do? I like to exercise and listen to music. I think/feel exercise is especially interesting.
4. How well do you play (hit) ball? I play pretty well, but I am extremely terrible at playing video games.
5. Yesterday I was sick. Mom took me to see the doctor. The doctor says I caught a cold and should drink liquid medicine and rest for a week.
6. Little sister has a fever today. She also has the chills and throws up.
7. You are injured! Your hand is broken, head is also swollen!

1. 冬天的时候,我不喜欢在家睡觉。我喜欢和上网聊天或给朋友发短信。
2. 你看报纸看了多久了?我看了一小时十五分钟了。
3. 春天的时候你喜欢做什么?我喜欢运动和听音乐。我觉得运动特别有意思。
4. 你打球打得怎么样?我打得还不错,但是我打电玩打得非常糟糕。
6. 妹妹今天发烧了。她也发冷,呕吐。
7. 你受伤了! 你的手断了,头也肿了!

Character sets 1-22

(4). 号,要,谢,请问,肥,舒(服),新,(看)起(来)
(5). 双,条,件,难,太__了,那
(6). 袜(子),凉(鞋),靴(子),牛仔(裤),毛(衣),连(衣裙),
(7). 戴,帽(子),眼镜,(手)表,左边,右(边)
(8). 前面,后(面),外(面),卧室,书房,
(9). 客厅,饭(厅),洗(衣房), 厨(房), , 厕所
(10). 浴(室),车库,(洗)澡,做功课,吃

11. 报纸,电玩,音乐 , (), (上)网
12. 逛街, ()影,睡觉,(电)视, ()赛,
13. 聊(天),脸(书),给发(短)信,运动
14. 爱(好hao4, 得,(多)久,(小)时,(分)钟,(起)床,放(学)
15. (觉得),(有)意思,容易,糟糕,棒
16. 安静,(外)向,内(向),(不)错, 还(可)以
18. 春,夏,秋,冬,冷,热,(时)候
19. 生病,疼,感冒,药,医(生),次
20. 喝,(发冷),呕吐,(发)烧,带,问题,(好)像
21. 断,受伤,烫,割,扭,肿
22. 流血,   为(什么),因(为),(所以),贴,擦,休息

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Week 4/22 to 4/26 (Week 32)

This week we will:

  • Finish taking norming test on Monday 
  • Watch everyone's infomercial project
  • Review character sets 1-22
  • Continue food unit 
-Review Food WFR 1 for flywatter on Wednesday 
-Character sets 1-22 Quiz on Friday

Friday, April 12, 2013

Week 4/15 to 419 (Week 31)

This week we will:

  • Take Advant Norming assessment on Monday (NOT GRADED, so don't worry about it)
  • Continue working on Project on Monday (for 40 minutes) and Wednesday (for 40 minutes)
  • Start lesson on Food 
  • Food WFR 1
  • Learn character set 23
-Character sheet set 23 due Friday 
-Project due Monday 4/22 in class

Friday, April 5, 2013

Week 4/8 to 4/12 (Week 30)

This week we will:

  • Work on Infomercial Project on Monday and Wednesday. Bring the necessary props/camera to class on these days to start filming! 
  • Start lesson on Food. 
-None this week. Make good use of your time and work on project.
-Project due on Monday 4/22 in class.  

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Week 3/27 and 3/29 (Week 29)

This week we will:

  • Review illness/injury 
  • Character sheet set 22
  • Infomercial project 
-Character sheet set 22 due Friday 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Week 3/18 to 3/22 (Week 28)

This week we will:

  • Review injuries and illnesses reading and writing 
  • Learn grammars
  • Character set 21
  • Play Going to the Doctor's WFR 1-3
-Character sheet set 21 due Wednesday
-Injuries and illnesses reading quiz on Friday 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Going to the Doctor's listening review

Click HERE to listen to practice A (Scroll down at bottom of page for answers)

1. What does Sammy not want to do today? __________________________________________
2. How does he feel this morning? __________________________________________________
3. What does he look like this morning? _____________________________________________
4. What did he and friend do yesterday? _____________________________________________
5. What was the weather like? _____________________________________________________
6. How did Sammy catch a cold? ___________________________________________________
7. Due to his dislike to going to the doctor’s, how is Sammy treating his cold? _______________
8. How should he take his medicine? ________________________________________________

Click HERE to listen to Practice B

1. What was “Little Beaut” doing in Spain? ________________________________________
2. What is Spain’s spring like? ____________________________________________________
3. Why did Xiaomei get sick? _____________________________________________________
4. What are her symptoms? _______________________________________________________
6. How did she try to treat it herself? ________________________________________________
7. Why does she continue to feel ill after she returned to the US? _________________________
8. How does she feel? ___________________________________________________________
9. According to the doctor, what are Xiao Mei’s treatments? _____________________________
10. How long would she be out of school? ___________________________________________
11. How should she take her medicine?

1. What does Sammy not want to do today? Wake up
2. How does he feel this morning? Especially not well. His neck and shoulders hurt. Cough
3. What does he look like this morning? Eyes and nose are red
4. What did he and friend do yesterday? Hunting and fishing
5. What was the weather like? Not good. Morning was sunny, afternoon had thunderstorm
6. How did Sammy catch a cold? Didn’t wear raincoat
7. Due to his dislike to going to the doctor’s, how is Sammy treating his cold? Younger brother bought over the counter cold medicine
8. How should he take his medicine? Once a day, two pills each time, for 3 days. 

1. What was “Little Beaut” doing in Spain? Travel, ride horse and hiking
2. What is Spain’s spring like? Not too warm, rather humid, terrible
3. Why did Xiaomei get sick? Didn’t wear sweater, wore skirt and shorts instead.
4. What are her symptoms? Runny nose and sore throat
6. How did she try to treat it herself?  Went to pharmacy to buy cough drops
7. Why does she continue to feel ill after she returned to the US? Ate bad snacks on the plane
8. How does she feel? Threw up and diarrhea
9. According to the doctor, what are Xiao Mei’s treatments? Drink diarrhea liquid medicine, stay home and rest  
10. How long would she be out of school? Two weeks/7 days
11. How should she take her medicine? 3 times a day, after meal, four pills each time, for 1 week

Update on Going to the doctor's listening quiz

Let's have it this Friday (3/15) instead, since the review activity didn't upload correctly.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Week 3/11 to 3/15 (Week 27)

This week we will:

  • Review cold symptoms listening for Quiz on Wednesday 
  • Learn grammar for cold symptoms
  • Do typing/translation practice 
  • Learn Injury vocabulary
  • Going to the Doctor's WFR 3
  • Learn character sheet set 20 
-Character sheet set 19 due Monday 
-Cold Symptoms listening quiz on Wednesday 
-Character sheet set 20 due Friday 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Week 3/4 to 3/8 (Week 26)

This week we will:

  • Review character sets 1-18 
  • Continue lesson Going to the Doctor's 
  • Review Going to the Doctor's WFR 1-2 
  • Learn character set 19 
-Character sets 1-18 quiz on Wednesday 
-Study WFR 1-2 for Flyswatter on Friday 
-Character sheet set 19 due Friday   

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Character sets 1-18

(4). 号,要,谢,请问,肥,舒(服),新,(看)起(来)

(5). 双,条,件,难,太__了,那
(6). 袜(子),凉(鞋),靴(子),牛仔(裤),毛(衣),连(衣裙),
(7). 戴,帽(子),眼镜,(手)表,左边,右(边)
(8). 前面,后(面),外(面),卧室,书房,
(9). 客厅,饭(厅),洗(衣房), 厨(房), , 厕所
(10). 浴(室),车库,(洗)澡,做功课,吃
11. 报纸,电玩,音乐 , (), (上)网
12. 逛街, ()影,睡觉,(电)视, ()赛,
13. 聊(天),脸(书),给发(短)信,运动
14. 爱(好hao4, 得,(多)久,(小)时,(分)钟,(起)床,放(学)
15. (觉得),(有)意思,容易,糟糕,棒
16. 安静,(外)向,内(向),(不)错, 还(可)以
18. 春,夏,秋,冬,冷,热,(时)候

Monday, February 25, 2013

Week 2/25 to 3/1 (Week 25)

This week we will:
  • Start lesson on injuries
  • Learn Going to the doctors' WFR 1 and 2 
  • Learn character sets 18
-Study new vocabulary for Wednesday
-Character sets 18 due Friday
-Character sets 1-18 Quiz next Wednesday (3/6)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Hobbies and Activities listening and reading practice Answer

Click HERE to listen to the listening section of the practice

Read below for the answer to the reading section

台北 (Taipei) 的夏天很热也很潮湿。天天上午晴天,下午下雨。上午Veronica去外面运动。她和朋友去游泳。她的游泳衣特别漂亮,是两件的,红色的白色的。她也学打网球。她的网球老师是男的。他打得很棒但是Veronica觉得网球特别难。打网球的时候Veronica穿短裙,T恤衫和白色的球鞋 。下午下雨的时候Veronica喜欢和弟弟打牌和下棋。弟弟很外向可是不太聪明,他下棋下得挺糟糕的。

Taipei's summer is very hot and very humid. Everyday it is sunny in the morning, rainy in the afternoon. In the morning (mid-morning) Veronica go outside to exercise. She goes swimming with friends. Her swim suit is especially pretty, it is a two-piece, red and white colored. She also learns to play tennis. Her tennis coach (teacher) is a male. He is terrific at tennis but Veronica thinks tennis is especially difficult. When playing tennis, Veronica wears short skit, T-shirt and white tennis shoes. In the afternoon when it rains, Veronica likes to play cards and chess with little bro. Little brother is outgoing but not too bight. His is rather terrible at playing chess.

台北的冬天不太冷。早上挺暖和的但是晚上有一点冷。台北的冬天不下雪,但是有时会下雨。冬天的时候Veronica 用电脑写博客和摄影。她觉得摄影最有意思!她穿她最喜欢的紫色大衣和蓝色长裤,黑色靴子。Veronica 很想去滑雪或溜冰,但是台北的外面没有雪!上年她来美国看我,我们去Wintergreen,我们滑雪板。晚上去跳舞!

Taipei's winter is not too cold. In the morning it is rather warm but a bit cold at night. Taipei's winter does not snow, but sometimes it would rain. During the winter, Veronica uses computer to blog and she take photos. She thinks photography is most interesting! She wears her favorite purple coat and blue pants, black boots. Veronica really wants to ski or skate, but Taipei has no snow outside! Last year she came to the US to see me, we went to Wintergreen. We snowboarded and went dancing at night. 

Monday, February 18, 2013

Week 2/20 to 2/22 (Week 24)

This week we will:
  • Review Hobbies and weather for listening and reading quiz on Friday 
  • Do a speaking activity on hobbies and sports
  • Start Unit on Going to the Doctor's 
  • Learn character set 17


  • Weather and Hobbies reading and listening quiz on Friday
  • Character sheet set 17 due next Monday (2/25) 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Week 2/11 to 2/15 (Week 23)

This week we will:

  • Do typing practice 
  • Finish lesson weather and activities 
  • Celebrate Chinese New Year (Bring Food!) 
  • Learn character set 16 
-Character set 16 due Friday 
-Listening and reading quiz on weather and activities next Monday 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Week 2/4 to 2/8 (Week 22)

This week we will:

  • Finish lesson Hobbies and Activities
  • Learn about weather and temperature 
  • Hobbies and Activities WFR 3
  • Character set 15
-Character sheet set 15 due Wednesday
-WFR Quiz on Friday 

Friday, January 25, 2013

Week 1/21-2/1 (Weeks 20 & 21)

Week 20:
-Take speaking quiz on Wednesday 1/23
-Take Midterm Exam on Friday 1/28

Week 21:
-Do oral translation practice on Friday 2/1

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Midterm review reading passage answers

Click HERE to listen to the passage too!

Mom is rather serious, also very quiet. When she has free time she either read or blog. Mom has been blogging for 8 months. I don't think she blogs very well (not good to read). Mom thinks blogging and reading are very interesting, but I think her hobbies are boring.

Little sister's hobbies are shopping and collecting pretty clothing and shoes. Last year, she bought 20 pairs of jeans, 62 t-shirts, 15 watches, 48 sweaters, 12 dresses, 10 pairs of tennis shoes, 12 pairs of boots, 22 pairs of sandals, 8 hats! Her clothing all look very ugly, very uncomfortable! The pants are all too loose, shirts all too tight, shoes all too small, hats all too big. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays little sister work part-time at H&M. She wants money to buy clothing!

Older brother is very friendly. His friends all like him. He likes to exercise and volunteer. He has been volunteering at the Food Kitchen for 2 years. He thinks volunteering is the most interesting. Older brother also likes to swim, wrestle and play field hockey. He has wrested for 4 years, swum for 8 and a half years, and played field hockey for 11 months. He swims pretty well, plays field hockey very well too. He thinks swimming, wresting and playing field hockey are all pretty easy.

Midterm Listening Practice

Click HERE to hear the passage you heard in class.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Midterm Study Guide

中文2 Midterm Study Guide                                    Speaking: Wednesday 1/23
                                                                                    Exam: Friday 1/25 (morning)
Areas covered: (You should be able to read, spell in Pinyin, say and understand the following topics) 
*Everything from Chinese 1 (time, daily routine and weather, body parts and illness, self-intro, etc.)
*Clothing vocabulary and count words         *Cloth shopping grammar points                   
*Give your opinions on clothing                     *Cloth shopping useful phrases                     
*Numbers above 99                                        *Rooms in the house                                      
*Activities to do in each room of the house   *Furniture found in each room of the house 
*Usage of                                                   *Making phone calls phrases                         
*Hobbies and Sports vocabulary and grammar
Words for Recognition
--Weekend activities                                       --Shopping for clothing WFR 1-3
--Directions and House WFR 1-3                   --Making phone calls
--Hobbies and Sports WFR 1-2
Characters sets 1-14
1. 黑,绿,黄,红,咖啡,粉,灰
3. 裤,裙,鞋,买,多少,钱,元
5. 双,条,件,难,太__了,那
6. 袜(子),凉(鞋),靴(子),牛仔(裤),毛(衣),连(衣裙),
7. 戴,帽(子),眼镜,(手)表,左边,右(边)
8. 前面,后(面),外(面),卧室,书房,
9. 客厅,饭(厅),洗(衣房), 厨(房), , 厕所
10. 浴(室),车库,(洗)澡,做功课,吃
11. 报纸,电玩,音乐 , (), (上)网
12. 逛街, ()影,睡觉,(电)视, ()赛,
13. 聊(天),脸(书),给发(短)信,运动
14.爱(好hao4, 得,(多)久,(小)时,(分)钟,(起)床,放(学)