Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Midterm review reading passage answers

Click HERE to listen to the passage too!

Mom is rather serious, also very quiet. When she has free time she either read or blog. Mom has been blogging for 8 months. I don't think she blogs very well (not good to read). Mom thinks blogging and reading are very interesting, but I think her hobbies are boring.

Little sister's hobbies are shopping and collecting pretty clothing and shoes. Last year, she bought 20 pairs of jeans, 62 t-shirts, 15 watches, 48 sweaters, 12 dresses, 10 pairs of tennis shoes, 12 pairs of boots, 22 pairs of sandals, 8 hats! Her clothing all look very ugly, very uncomfortable! The pants are all too loose, shirts all too tight, shoes all too small, hats all too big. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays little sister work part-time at H&M. She wants money to buy clothing!

Older brother is very friendly. His friends all like him. He likes to exercise and volunteer. He has been volunteering at the Food Kitchen for 2 years. He thinks volunteering is the most interesting. Older brother also likes to swim, wrestle and play field hockey. He has wrested for 4 years, swum for 8 and a half years, and played field hockey for 11 months. He swims pretty well, plays field hockey very well too. He thinks swimming, wresting and playing field hockey are all pretty easy.

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