Thursday, February 21, 2013

Hobbies and Activities listening and reading practice Answer

Click HERE to listen to the listening section of the practice

Read below for the answer to the reading section

台北 (Taipei) 的夏天很热也很潮湿。天天上午晴天,下午下雨。上午Veronica去外面运动。她和朋友去游泳。她的游泳衣特别漂亮,是两件的,红色的白色的。她也学打网球。她的网球老师是男的。他打得很棒但是Veronica觉得网球特别难。打网球的时候Veronica穿短裙,T恤衫和白色的球鞋 。下午下雨的时候Veronica喜欢和弟弟打牌和下棋。弟弟很外向可是不太聪明,他下棋下得挺糟糕的。

Taipei's summer is very hot and very humid. Everyday it is sunny in the morning, rainy in the afternoon. In the morning (mid-morning) Veronica go outside to exercise. She goes swimming with friends. Her swim suit is especially pretty, it is a two-piece, red and white colored. She also learns to play tennis. Her tennis coach (teacher) is a male. He is terrific at tennis but Veronica thinks tennis is especially difficult. When playing tennis, Veronica wears short skit, T-shirt and white tennis shoes. In the afternoon when it rains, Veronica likes to play cards and chess with little bro. Little brother is outgoing but not too bight. His is rather terrible at playing chess.

台北的冬天不太冷。早上挺暖和的但是晚上有一点冷。台北的冬天不下雪,但是有时会下雨。冬天的时候Veronica 用电脑写博客和摄影。她觉得摄影最有意思!她穿她最喜欢的紫色大衣和蓝色长裤,黑色靴子。Veronica 很想去滑雪或溜冰,但是台北的外面没有雪!上年她来美国看我,我们去Wintergreen,我们滑雪板。晚上去跳舞!

Taipei's winter is not too cold. In the morning it is rather warm but a bit cold at night. Taipei's winter does not snow, but sometimes it would rain. During the winter, Veronica uses computer to blog and she take photos. She thinks photography is most interesting! She wears her favorite purple coat and blue pants, black boots. Veronica really wants to ski or skate, but Taipei has no snow outside! Last year she came to the US to see me, we went to Wintergreen. We snowboarded and went dancing at night. 

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