Monday, April 29, 2013

Week 4/29 to 5/3 (Week 33)

This week we will:

  • Review food (listening and reading) 

-Character sheet set 24 due Wednesday 
-Study Food WFR 1 for flyswatter on Wednesday
-Food WFR 1 Quiz on Friday (There are many words on this list, so 今天你就该学习这个!)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sentence review questions (character sets 1-22)

Translate into 中文 using characters. Scroll down for answer:

1. During winter, I don’t like to sleep at home. I like to go online to chat or to text message my friend.
2. How long have you been reading the newspaper? I have been reading for 1 hour 15 minutes.
3. During spring, what do you like to do? I like to exercise and listen to music. I think/feel exercise is especially interesting.
4. How well do you play (hit) ball? I play pretty well, but I am extremely terrible at playing video games.
5. Yesterday I was sick. Mom took me to see the doctor. The doctor says I caught a cold and should drink liquid medicine and rest for a week.
6. Little sister has a fever today. She also has the chills and throws up.
7. You are injured! Your hand is broken, head is also swollen!

1. 冬天的时候,我不喜欢在家睡觉。我喜欢和上网聊天或给朋友发短信。
2. 你看报纸看了多久了?我看了一小时十五分钟了。
3. 春天的时候你喜欢做什么?我喜欢运动和听音乐。我觉得运动特别有意思。
4. 你打球打得怎么样?我打得还不错,但是我打电玩打得非常糟糕。
6. 妹妹今天发烧了。她也发冷,呕吐。
7. 你受伤了! 你的手断了,头也肿了!

Character sets 1-22

(4). 号,要,谢,请问,肥,舒(服),新,(看)起(来)
(5). 双,条,件,难,太__了,那
(6). 袜(子),凉(鞋),靴(子),牛仔(裤),毛(衣),连(衣裙),
(7). 戴,帽(子),眼镜,(手)表,左边,右(边)
(8). 前面,后(面),外(面),卧室,书房,
(9). 客厅,饭(厅),洗(衣房), 厨(房), , 厕所
(10). 浴(室),车库,(洗)澡,做功课,吃

11. 报纸,电玩,音乐 , (), (上)网
12. 逛街, ()影,睡觉,(电)视, ()赛,
13. 聊(天),脸(书),给发(短)信,运动
14. 爱(好hao4, 得,(多)久,(小)时,(分)钟,(起)床,放(学)
15. (觉得),(有)意思,容易,糟糕,棒
16. 安静,(外)向,内(向),(不)错, 还(可)以
18. 春,夏,秋,冬,冷,热,(时)候
19. 生病,疼,感冒,药,医(生),次
20. 喝,(发冷),呕吐,(发)烧,带,问题,(好)像
21. 断,受伤,烫,割,扭,肿
22. 流血,   为(什么),因(为),(所以),贴,擦,休息

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Week 4/22 to 4/26 (Week 32)

This week we will:

  • Finish taking norming test on Monday 
  • Watch everyone's infomercial project
  • Review character sets 1-22
  • Continue food unit 
-Review Food WFR 1 for flywatter on Wednesday 
-Character sets 1-22 Quiz on Friday

Friday, April 12, 2013

Week 4/15 to 419 (Week 31)

This week we will:

  • Take Advant Norming assessment on Monday (NOT GRADED, so don't worry about it)
  • Continue working on Project on Monday (for 40 minutes) and Wednesday (for 40 minutes)
  • Start lesson on Food 
  • Food WFR 1
  • Learn character set 23
-Character sheet set 23 due Friday 
-Project due Monday 4/22 in class

Friday, April 5, 2013

Week 4/8 to 4/12 (Week 30)

This week we will:

  • Work on Infomercial Project on Monday and Wednesday. Bring the necessary props/camera to class on these days to start filming! 
  • Start lesson on Food. 
-None this week. Make good use of your time and work on project.
-Project due on Monday 4/22 in class.