Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Week 10/22 to 10/26 (Week 8)

This week we will:
  • Start lesson House and Directions
  • Learn activities to do in house 
  • WFR 1
  • Learn character set 6
-Character sheet set 5 due Monday
-Character sheet set 6 due Wednesday
-Direction and house listening and reading quiz next Monday (10/29) 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Writing review answers

1. 你最喜欢什么yan2色?我最喜欢紫色,但是我也喜欢蓝色和绿色。
2. 请问长裤多少钱?黑色的一千八百一十五元,咖啡色的九百五十元。
3. 这新短裙看起来怎么样?看起来挺舒服的,但是tai4肥了。
4. 这新雨衣看起来怎么样?看起来有点瘦。你该买橙色的。
5. 我要买三十七号的鞋子。三十八号的太大了。
6. 今天你好吗?谢谢,我很好。
7. 你的男朋友多高?他很高。他也很帅。
8. 明天天气怎么样?明天会晴天,下午可能刮风。
9. 晚上踢球你穿什么? 我穿白色的短裤和红色的上衣,灰色的球鞋。
10. 他的妹妹很漂亮吗?不,她很凶也不友善。

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Week 10/15 and 10/19 (Week 7)

This week we will:
  • Take Unit Test 1
-Speaking part of Unit Test on Monday
-Rest of Unit Test 1 on Friday 

    Monday, October 8, 2012

    Week 10/8 to 10/12 (Week 6)

    This week we will:
    • Review shopping and dialogue 
    • Write and practice shopping skit in class
    • Present shopping skit on Wednesday for a Quiz grade
    -Practice and bring prop for shopping skit on Wednesday for a Quiz grade
    -Character sheet set 4 due Friday 

    Monday, October 1, 2012

    Week 10/1 to 10/5 (Week 5)

    This week we will:
    • Review shopping dialogue phrases
    • Learn about opinions on clothing 
    • Shopping and Clothing WFR 3
    • Learn character set 3
    -Character sheet set 3 due Wednesday
    -Reading Quiz about clothing on Friday