Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Going to the doctor listening practice

Click HERE to listen to passage A

Click HERE to listen to passage B

Scroll down for passage and translation

Sammy 今天不想起床,他早上身体特别不舒服。他的脖子和肩膀疼,他的眼睛和鼻子是红色的,他还咳sou4。昨天他和好朋友去打猎,钓鱼,可是昨天天气不好,上午是晴天可是中午和下午是雷阵雨。 Sammy 没有穿雨衣,所以他感冒了。可是Sammy 不喜欢看医生,所以他的弟弟就去药店买感冒药给Sammy. 他的药每天吃一次,一次吃两粒 ,吃三天。

Today Sammy did not want to wake up,this morning his body feels especially uncomfortable. His neck and shoulders hurt, and his eyes and nose are red, he also coughs. Yesterday him and his friend went hunting and fishing, but yesterday's weather was not good, in the morning it was sunny but noon and afternoon thunder stormed.Sammy didn't wear a raincoat, so he caught a cold. But because Sammy doesn't like to go see the doctor, so his younger brother went to the pharmacy to buy him cold medicine. He takes his medicine once a day, 2 pills each time, for 3 days. 


Last Saturday while Xiao Mei was traveling in Spain she got sick. Spring time in Spain is not too warm, rather humid, and the weather is very terrible. Xiaomei went horseback riding and hiking. She should wear a sweater, but she thought that sweaters were ugly, so everyday she either wore a dress or shorts, therefore she caught a cold. She had runny nose and sore throat. She went to the pharmacy to buy cough drops, but still felt uncomfortable.
这星期三小美回美国,可是她还是不舒服。在飞机上她吃了不好的点心,呕吐也拉肚子。今天放学的时候她的妈妈带她去看医生,医生给她量一下体温,说她没有发烧,可是她生病了,该吃拉肚子的药水和在家休息。她这星期和下星期都不该去上学。药剂师给小美药。 小美说:“药怎么吃?”药剂师说: "每天吃三次,饭后吃,一次吃四粒,吃一星期。" 

This Saturday Xiao Mei returned to the US, but she still felt uncomfortable. On the airplane she ate some bad snacks and vomited and had diarrhea. Today after school mom took her to see the doctor. The doctor took her temperature and said she didn't have a fever, but she is indeed sick and should take liquid medicine that treats diarrhea and rest at home. This week and next week she should not go to school. The pharmacist give Xiaomei the medicine and she asked: "How do I take this?" The pharmacist says: "Three times a day, take after meals, 4 pills each time, for one week."

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