Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hobbies and Sports speaking test review

Click HERE to listen to the following paragraph: 

好,我叫Sam. 我挺安静和内向的,所以我的爱好是弹琴和写作。觉得弹琴很好玩,写作很有意思我弹琴弹了八年了,我写作写了两个月了。我弹得还可以,我写得不太好。

Click HERE to listen to the following paragraph: 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Week 3/26 to 3/30 (Week 28)

This week we will:
  • Play castle game to review characters 
  • Take character quiz 
  • Review hobbies and activities + weather 
  • Review list of degree modifiers + adjectives
  • Learn character set 19
-Character sets 1-18 Quiz on Wednesday 
-Character sheet set 19 due Friday
-Unit Test next Wednesday (4/4), speaking portion of test on Monday (4/2) 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Character sets 1-18

11。(球)赛,聊(天),看(书),脸(书),给发(短)信, (洗)碗
12 袜(子),凉(鞋),靴(子),牛仔(裤),毛(衣),连(衣裙)

15. (hai4),  (多)久,(还可)以,()空, (一)定,
 16. 觉(得),安静,(外)向,内(向),(不)错
18. 糟糕,棒,春,夏,秋,冬

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Week 3/19 to 3/23 (Week 27)

This week we will:
  • Learn weather related vocabulary 
  • Learn weather-activity grammar
  • Learn character set 18
  • Hobbies and Sports WFR 3
-Character sheet set 18 due Wednesday
-Study Hobbies and Sports WFR 3 for Friday
-Character quiz sets 1-18 next Wednesday (3/28)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Hobbies and Sports speaking quiz review

Click HERE to listen:

1. Jordan is a little bit introverted, therefore his hobby is photography. He has done it for one and a half year.
He doesn't do it very well. He feels that it is very difficult

2.Grandma and grandpa are very active and friendly, therefore their hobby is dancing. They have danced together for 2 hours and 12 minutes (the recording needs a 了here). They feel dancing is rather interesting and they do it very well.

3. My friend is extroverted, therefore he doesn’t like to play the piano. He has played for 10 years and 2 months. He feels it is very difficult and boring but he plays excellently.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

week 3/12 to 3/14 (Week 26)

This week we will:
  • Review hobbies and sports usage
  • Learn about more weather and degree modifiers (and combine with activities) 
  • Review WFR 
  • Learn character set 17 
-Hobbies and sports speaking quiz on Wednesday (How long you've been doing the activity, how well you do the activity, opinion on activities)
-Character sheet set 17 due next Monday 

Friday, March 2, 2012

Week 3/5 to 3/9 (Week 25)

This week we will:
  • Finish grammar on "What is your hobby"
  • Learn to talk about your opinion on hobby and talk about your personality 
  • Learn character set 16 
-Character sheet due Friday
-No quiz this week