Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Week 12/5 to 12/16 (Weeks 14 and 15)

The next two weeks, we will:
  • Continue lesson on making phone calls
  • Learn character sets 11 and 12
  • Learn making phone call WFR
  • Take character sets 1-11 quiz on Wednesday (12/14)
-Character sheet set 11 due Wednesday (12/7)
-Quiz character sets 1-11 on Wednesday (12/14)
-Character sheet set 12 due Friday (12/16)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Week 11/21 to 12/2 (Week 12 and 13)

For the next two weeks, we will:
  • Take quiz for WFR House and Direction 1-3
  • Learn character sets 9 and 10
  • Review lesson on making phone calls
-Take quiz for WFR House and Directions 1-3 on Monday (11/21)
-Character sheet set 9 due Wed (11/23)
-Character sheet set 10 due Wed (11/30)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Speaking Review--House and activities

Click HERE to listen to the following paragraph:


Saturday, November 5, 2011

Weeks 11/7-11/9 (Week 10) and 11/14 and 11/16 (Week 11)

For the next 2 weeks, we will:
  • Take character sets 1-8 quiz on Monday
  • Review furniture and direction
  • Review speaking
  • WFR sheets
  • Lesson on making telephone calls

-Mid-term exam speaking next Monday (11/14): Seniors, this will be a speaking quiz grade for you if you are exampt from the midterm.