Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Final Exam Listening and reading review

Click on the following link to listen to the passage. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to read the same passage (and translation)

1. Passage 1
2. Passage 2
3. Passage 3
4. Passage 4
5. Passage 5

Passage 1:
小美十六岁,从中国来,她住在Atlanta. 她长得很好看,脸很长,眼睛很大。
Xiaomei is 16 years old, from China. She lives in Atlanta. She is good-looking. Her face is 
long, eyes are large.  

Xiaomei doesn't want to go to school today. She is very uncomfortable. She seems to be sick. Her head hurts a bit, her throat hurts and she has the chills. She takes her temperature and it is 99 degrees. She seems to have a fever. Mom says she should not go to school today, but to stay home and rest. 

Passage 2: 
My younger brother was injured today. This morning he tanned in the sun and burned his 
stomach and chest. He should put on ointment.   
He played American football and was not careful and his foot was injured. His knees were 
cut, calves were swollen, thighs were bleeding. He should put a band-aid on his knees and 
wrap up his thigh.  
他晚上看电视看了很久,他今天眼睛是红色的,很疼。弟弟说:“我很倒霉!” 他倒霉吗?
Last night he watched TV for a long time, today his eyes were red and painful. Younger brother said: "I have such bad luck!" Does he have bad luck? 

Passage 3: 
June is summer. Today is cool, not too hot. My girlfriend wore a pair of jeans, blue t-shirt and 
yellow sandals. I don't really like what she is wearing today. Her jeans were a bit too loose, 
rather ugly. But my girlfriend says her clothing is comfortable. 
Today I wore a black and purple exercise shirt and pants, and green tennis shoes. My 
clothing is also comfortable, my exercise shirt and pants are both just the right size. 
However, my girlfriend says my clothing looks rather ugly, and that I should not wear my 
exercise shirt. 

Passage 4:

That male is 17 years old. He is sick. This morning he was unwell and so came to the hospital for a checkup. The doctor took his temperature and his temperature was very high. He has a fever. He said last Friday night his chest hurt and he coughed for a long time. He does not have a runny nose, does not vomit, does not have diarrhea. There seems to be some serious problem with his body. Tonight he is sleeping (staying) in the hospital. 

Passage 5:

That male is 16 years old. He is injured. His nose and teeth are broken, his eyes are also swollen. His neck is cut, fingers and arms are twisted. Yesterday he went to exercise and was not careful. He should bandage (his injuries) and take medicines. Next week he should not go exercise, not play ball and not go to school.

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