Friday, May 13, 2011

Unit 3 Test Study Guide

Chinese 2 Unit Test Study Guide
What is on the test: (You should be able to read, spell in Pinyin, say and understand the following topics) 
·        Everything on the midterm exam
With emphasis on the following:
·        Handout  我家的房子” (rooms, directions)
·        Handout  “Activities to do in each room in the house” (usages of “在”)
·        Handout “你家的房子里面有什么?” (furniture found in house)
·        Handout “你在沙发上面做什么activities to do in the house
·        Handout “我的身体”(body parts)
·        Handout “他长得怎么样?” (descriptions, degree modifiers)
·        Handout  “小月生病了” (how to tell a doctor what’s wrong with you, how to take a medicine)
WFR 1-14
Character sets 1-23
1.        级,岁,住,几,从,来
2.        名,字,哪,里,什,么
3.        很,高,矮,凶,帅,笑
4.        爸,妈,哥,姐,弟,妹
5.        踢,打,球,和, 点,分
6.        星,期,这,明,今,昨 
7.        气,最,度,低,晴,雨,雪,云,会,风
8.        刮,多,阴,雷,阵,可能,但,午,晚
9.        春,夏,秋,冬,常,到,热,冷,有时
10.     看,听,去,凉快,睡觉,季,暖和
 11.   绿,黄,红,蓝,紫,灰,咖啡,粉,色
 12. 黑,橙,喜欢,穿,衣服,长,短,该
13. 件,条,双,挺,太,裤,裙,鞋,想 
14. 卧室,书房,客厅,饭(厅),厨(房),洗(衣房),间
15. 厕所,浴,后,(车)库,前,右边,左(边),在
17. 用,学,习,网,早,玩
18. 碗,发(短)信,功,课,报,纸
19. 眼睛,鼻子,嘴巴,(耳)朵 
20. 腿,臂,脚,肚,头发,胖,瘦
21. 健康,特别,非常,壮,苗条
22. 病,医,疼,药,感冒

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