Friday, April 29, 2011

Reading Review

你的家人在哪里? 我的家人在家。今天天气不好,下雪,很冷。我们没有去打球。
Where is your family? My family are home. Today's weather is bad, it's snowing and cold,  we didn't go play ball. 
Where is little sister? Little sister is reading the newspaper. She is in her bed room, on the red sofa, reading Japanese newspaper.  
Where is father? Father is in the kitchen. He is in front of the sink washing dishes. He also uses the microwave and stove to make dinner. He cooks and listens to the music.  
Where is your mother? Mom is eating a snack in front of the fridge in the bedroom. 
Where are you? I'm doing homework on a chair in the kitchen. The chair is in front of the TV. I don't do my homework very well.  
Where is your puppy. Puppy is in the bathroom toilet drinking water.  
你的猫在哪里? 我的猫在车库外面睡觉。
Where is your cat? My cat is sleeping outside the garage.  

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