Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Chinese 2 Course Syllabus

Syllabus for Chinese 2
Sharon Meng (Meng lǎoshī)
Room 244
Planning periods: 6th, 7th and 8th
Email: Phone: 354-6800 Ext.3304

Course Description:
This course is based on textbook 跟我学汉语 Gen Wo Xue Hanyu 2 (Learn Chinese with Me 2) and students continue to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Standard Mandarin Chinese. Chinese culture will again be an integral part of this class. By the end of the course, students will learn to write an additional 120 characters and recognize 150-200 more characters. Students will be able to understand and converse about everyday topics with increasing sophistication.

Textbook(s): Students will be given instructor-made handouts and worksheets. Students are only responsible for material introduced in the handouts.

Web Page:
Also linked to school webpage: (click on Faculty Webpage)

Major Themes:
1. Personal Life
2. Family and Friends
3. School and Community
4. The World Around Us

Assessment/Evaluation Procedures:
Students will be evaluated on homework, class participation, quizzes, tests and projects. Again, students are only responsible for material in the handouts/notes.

Late work policy:
• Students are responsible for making up all work missed during an excused absence.
• Following an excused absence, students should complete any missing homework assignments and/or class work within a week after returning to class.
• After returning to school from an excused absence, students must schedule to make up any missed quizzes or tests within a week.
• With the exception of excused absences, homework assignments are due on their due dates. 10 points will be taken off for each class period the assignment is late.
• Students with special circumstances that prevent them from completing homework assignments should speak to Meng Laoshi before class.

Classroom Expectations:
1. Students should respect the teacher and one another
2. Students should be punctual and come prepared to class
3. Students should actively participate in all classroom activities
4. Students should not eat, drink or chew gum during instruction (water bottles are okay)

Homework Guidelines:
• Punctuality: Bring the assignment the day it is due. If you have not completed it in full, see me before class to explain why.
• Identification: Your name, date that the assignment is due must be no the paper that you turn in.
• Legibility: Write as neatly as possible. Character sheet grades are based on both completion and accuracy.

Materials Needed:
1. One 1” three ring binder
2. 5 subject index divider
3. Index cards

Useful tips for learning Chinese:
• Keep a well-organized binder, keep all handouts, notes, worksheets and characters sheets in their place.
• Spend at least 15 minutes daily reviewing new characters and Words for Recognition
• Practice tones. Record yourself or practice with a friend who is also taking Chinese.
• Check the class website at least once a week.
• Keep updated with Chinese current events.
(Fill out the information below and return to your teacher)

“I have read and understood this syllabus.”

Student Pledge: ___________________________________________________________

Parent Pledge: ____________________________________________________________

Parent Contact Number: ____________________________________________________

Parent email: ______________________________________________________________

I have easy access to computer and Internet at home Yes ________ No ________

(If no, Meng Laoshi will speak with you and we will work something out)

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