Friday, May 17, 2013

5/20 to 6/12 (Weeks 36, 37, 38, 39)

For the remainder of the school year, we will:

  • Practice phrases in "What do you think about your food" 
  • Learn to describe tastes and give opinions about food 
  • Food WFR 3
  • Review reading and listening about food 
-Review for Food listening and reading quiz on Wednesday 3/29 
-Bring food for 3 hours class on 3/29 for party after quiz 
-Final Exam speaking portion Monday 6/3 
-Chinese 2 Final Exam Wednesday 6/12 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Week 5/13 to 5/17 (Week 35)

This week we will:

  • Do typing practice on Monday in lab 318
  • Take Food Speaking Quiz on Monday 
  • Character sheet set 26
  • Finish translating passage on handout "你觉得你的食物怎么样"?
  • Food WFR 2
-Character sheet set 26 due Friday (For stroke order, see last website entry) 
-Food listening and reading Quiz on Wednesday 5/29 
-Final Exam Speaking Monday 6/3 in lab 

Character set 26 stroke order

Click HERE to download stroke order

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Week 5/6 to 5/10 (Week 34)

This week we will:

  • Watch movie on Staple Foods
  • Learn about opinions on food
  • Practice 1 minute story telling
  • Character sheet set 25
-Character sheet set 25 due Friday
-Speaking quiz on meals next Monday 5/13