Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Week 3/27 and 3/29 (Week 29)

This week we will:

  • Review illness/injury 
  • Character sheet set 22
  • Infomercial project 
-Character sheet set 22 due Friday 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Week 3/18 to 3/22 (Week 28)

This week we will:

  • Review injuries and illnesses reading and writing 
  • Learn grammars
  • Character set 21
  • Play Going to the Doctor's WFR 1-3
-Character sheet set 21 due Wednesday
-Injuries and illnesses reading quiz on Friday 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Going to the Doctor's listening review

Click HERE to listen to practice A (Scroll down at bottom of page for answers)

1. What does Sammy not want to do today? __________________________________________
2. How does he feel this morning? __________________________________________________
3. What does he look like this morning? _____________________________________________
4. What did he and friend do yesterday? _____________________________________________
5. What was the weather like? _____________________________________________________
6. How did Sammy catch a cold? ___________________________________________________
7. Due to his dislike to going to the doctor’s, how is Sammy treating his cold? _______________
8. How should he take his medicine? ________________________________________________

Click HERE to listen to Practice B

1. What was “Little Beaut” doing in Spain? ________________________________________
2. What is Spain’s spring like? ____________________________________________________
3. Why did Xiaomei get sick? _____________________________________________________
4. What are her symptoms? _______________________________________________________
6. How did she try to treat it herself? ________________________________________________
7. Why does she continue to feel ill after she returned to the US? _________________________
8. How does she feel? ___________________________________________________________
9. According to the doctor, what are Xiao Mei’s treatments? _____________________________
10. How long would she be out of school? ___________________________________________
11. How should she take her medicine?

1. What does Sammy not want to do today? Wake up
2. How does he feel this morning? Especially not well. His neck and shoulders hurt. Cough
3. What does he look like this morning? Eyes and nose are red
4. What did he and friend do yesterday? Hunting and fishing
5. What was the weather like? Not good. Morning was sunny, afternoon had thunderstorm
6. How did Sammy catch a cold? Didn’t wear raincoat
7. Due to his dislike to going to the doctor’s, how is Sammy treating his cold? Younger brother bought over the counter cold medicine
8. How should he take his medicine? Once a day, two pills each time, for 3 days. 

1. What was “Little Beaut” doing in Spain? Travel, ride horse and hiking
2. What is Spain’s spring like? Not too warm, rather humid, terrible
3. Why did Xiaomei get sick? Didn’t wear sweater, wore skirt and shorts instead.
4. What are her symptoms? Runny nose and sore throat
6. How did she try to treat it herself?  Went to pharmacy to buy cough drops
7. Why does she continue to feel ill after she returned to the US? Ate bad snacks on the plane
8. How does she feel? Threw up and diarrhea
9. According to the doctor, what are Xiao Mei’s treatments? Drink diarrhea liquid medicine, stay home and rest  
10. How long would she be out of school? Two weeks/7 days
11. How should she take her medicine? 3 times a day, after meal, four pills each time, for 1 week

Update on Going to the doctor's listening quiz

Let's have it this Friday (3/15) instead, since the review activity didn't upload correctly.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Week 3/11 to 3/15 (Week 27)

This week we will:

  • Review cold symptoms listening for Quiz on Wednesday 
  • Learn grammar for cold symptoms
  • Do typing/translation practice 
  • Learn Injury vocabulary
  • Going to the Doctor's WFR 3
  • Learn character sheet set 20 
-Character sheet set 19 due Monday 
-Cold Symptoms listening quiz on Wednesday 
-Character sheet set 20 due Friday 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Week 3/4 to 3/8 (Week 26)

This week we will:

  • Review character sets 1-18 
  • Continue lesson Going to the Doctor's 
  • Review Going to the Doctor's WFR 1-2 
  • Learn character set 19 
-Character sets 1-18 quiz on Wednesday 
-Study WFR 1-2 for Flyswatter on Friday 
-Character sheet set 19 due Friday