Monday, February 27, 2012

Week 2/27 to 3/2 (Week 24)

This week we will:
  • Take WFR Quiz on Hobbies and Sports on Monday 
  • Learn to talk about Hobbies and Sports 
  • Learn character set 15
  • WFR Hobbies and Sports 2
-WFR quiz on Monday (2/27)
-Character sheet due Friday

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Week 2/22 and 2/24 (Week 23)

This week we will:
  • Do project presentation on Wednesday and Friday 
  • Continue lesson on Hobby and Sports 
  • Learn character set 15
-Prepare for project presentation
-Character sheet set 15 due Friday

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Week 2/13 to 2/17 (Week 22)

This week we will:
  • Go over Midterm Exam 
  • Learn Hobbies and Sports
  • No character sets this week!
  • Go over project 
  • Sign up for project presentation for next week 
-Learn Hobbies and Sports list by listening to audio online
-Listening activity Quiz on Friday (know meaning in English)
-Project presentation Wednesday and Friday (2/22 and 2/24)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Project Due Dates

Due to the fact that Monday, 2/20 is a student holiday, your project presentation will be either Wednesday 2/22 or Friday 2/24.